Healing Treatments

Reiki Healing

Experience deep relaxation and balance experiencing the gentle, yet powerful Reiki energies, which promote overall well-being.

For your first Reiki appointment, there is a short consultation whereby we can discuss specific needs or concerns you may have and ensure that the session is tailored exactly for you. Follow up sessions last for 40 minutes.

1st Session (includes consultation) – Duration: 1 Hour – Cost: £45

Follow-up Sessions – Duration: 40 minutes – Cost: £40

Crystal Reiki Healing

A treatment comprising of Reiki energies which are complemented by the use of specific crystals, which can bring about balance, calm and amplify the healing energies.

Taking Time For You..

You are important. You deserve time and space to dedicate to your wellbeing and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! If you have any questions about Energy Healing treatments, please do drop me a message.